Charismatic Prayer Group
The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every Tuesday in Classroom C of the Parish Center from 7:00-8:30pm. The Charismatic Renewal encourages the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, another life changing event of the Holy Spirit. For more information contact Ron Bergman 815-654-8420.
Direction for Our Times
St. Bridget lay apostles of Jesus Christ the Returning King meets once a month from 6:00-7:00pm on the third Wednesday of the month in the Hospitality Room of the Church. We pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, read the monthly message, and have discussion. If you are interested in attending or have any questions, please contact Craig Anderson 815-985-4665 or Jane Gomulka 815-543-5013.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Are you burdened with a problem and feel you have nowhere to turn for help? The Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help might be the place to find an answer. Many prayers have been answered by petitioning the Blessed Mother under the title "Our Lady of Perpetual Help”. We meet in the Cry Room of the Church every Wednesday at 4:00pm. All are welcome to join us.
Parish Prayer Chain
The Parish Prayer Chain Ministry is a where a “chain” of people pray for those individuals who are in need of prayers. Prayer requests can come from anyone and the prayer intention may be for any reason. If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please reach out to Rose Trotter 815-633-6681 or Karen Pflipsen 815-289-6696. If you are interested in being a prayer partner on the prayer chain, please call us
Sisters in Christ
Sisters in Christ is a group of ladies who meet together each week for prayer and fellowship. For more information, contact Janet Koch 815-222-2111.
St. Rita Chaplet
Join us to pray the Chaplet of St. Rita of Cascia every Thursday. We meet in the Cry Room of the Church after the 8:15am Mass. Rosaries, chaplet copies, and prayer cards will be available in the Narthex. The intercession of this Saint of the most hopeless and impossible cases would be a tremendous aid not only in our personal situations, but even more so on a global level. For any questions, contact Sid Papini 815-985-3404.
“No problem is too small to bring to Saint Rita. She will draw you close to the Heart of Jesus, and she will not fail you!”