Once a year, we conduct our Annual Diocesan Stewardship Appeal to support our diocesan ministries. I would like to thank the parish for the great support given to the 2023 appeal. We had excellent participation and were able to make our goal for the well-being of our diocese. The theme the Bishop has chosen for this year’s appeal is “Be Joyful Disciples”. In the Gospel of John, Jesus shares these words in connection with that theme: “I have told you this so that my joy can be in you, and that your joy can be complete.” (John 15:11). As our friendship with Jesus grows, the virtue of joy also grows and overflows into every area of our lives, drawing others to Lord and to the Church.
This Appeal supports all our diocesan ministries and programs. Seminarian education is supported through diocesan stewardship. We current have five seminarians in our diocese who are from St. Bridget: Bailey Peterson, Mike Wojnarowski, Thomas Brown, Jonathan Olesen, and Max Peterson. Our parish has been blessed by the presence of numerous seminarians who will become our future priests. St. Bridget is a great place for seminarians to experience ministry and parish life. This Appeal also supports Catholic Charities, our Permanent Diaconate Office, Lay Ministry Formation, Deaf Apostolate, College Campus Ministries, Youth Ministry, Marriage Preparation, our Religious Education and Catholic Schools Offices, and many other important diocesan ministries which ultimately service our parishes. Here is a link to the 2024 DSA Video for more details.
Each parish is given a target amount toward the overall diocesan budget. For the 2024 Appeal, our parish is asked to contribute $137,607 as our fair share of the diocesan budget. There will be a pledge envelope coming in the mail in mid-April. If you made a pledge last year, that amount will be noted in the envelope that will arrive in the mail. For the 2024 Appeal, please prayerfully consider a pledge of $300 which can be paid over the course of the year. Some may be able to pledge more and other less in light of your circumstances. It is also possible to make an Online Pledge to donate easily and securely. It is important to make our target because any shortfall will need to be made up out of our operating budget. Any amount raised over that target comes back to our parish which can be used for our ministry needs. We are appreciative of any support so whatever you can contribute will be gratefully received.
On behalf of Bishop Malloy, I would like to thank you for your support of our Diocesan Church which covers most of Northern Illinois. We are blessed to be part of a great diocese so let us do our part to keep our diocesan ministries strong and growing.
In Christ,
Msgr. Steve Knox